Is your brand looking to engage Fortnite players with millions of meaningful interactions?

Fortnite has over 500 million registered players as of 2024 and 221 million monthly active players. The potential for brand engagement is massive, but the current approach to ads and branding in Fortnite is not working. Millions are spent developing branded islands that no one visits and games that no one is playing.

All the reward, with little to no risk

Advertisers are clamoring to claim a stake in the leading game Fortnite, but the risks are high.  If brands build it, players rarely engage. Rather than entice players over to a branded island or in-game experience, how about we bring the brand to their favorite islands through impactful and meaningful brand experiences brought to you by creators, not brands.   Rather than hope for results with this hard to reach discerning audience, PowerUp guarantees you player engagement and most importantly results for your spend.

What if your brand could transform passive advertising into active engagement with Fortnite's top islands?

PowerUP seamlessly integrates brand stories into Fortnite's most popular islands using interactive digital assets, guaranteeing meaningful connections with millions of players.



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